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Sleep well, live well

02 Mar 2024

City dwellers lead fast-paced lives with busy work schedules and social/ family engagements after work. It’s always a long day and many people don't get enough sleep. Even if we manage to sleep, it may not be restful. We might toss and turn, have difficulty falling asleep, or wake up way too early. When the body lacks rest and the opportunity to recharge, daily living naturally gets affected. It's a vicious cycle, and it takes a toll on our life.

But hey, if you want to level up your sleep game and wake up feeling refreshed, JC Fit City got some tips for you. Let's talk about how we can all sleep like well-rested urbanites!

1. Environment ready: Create a comfortable sleep environment
Keep the bedroom at a moderate temperature, with dim lighting and quietness.
Choose suitable bedding.
Turn off the lights immediately after getting into bed.

2. Body ready: Establish bedtime habits
Engage in relaxing activities before bed, such as reading, listening to soothing music, deep breathing, or stretching.
Get moderate exercise during the day and avoid vigorous exercise right before bedtime.
Avoid going to bed too full or too hungry.
Limit intake of water before bed and avoid coffee, tea, or alcoholic beverages after dinner.
If needed, drinking warm milk before bed can help with falling asleep.

3. Mind ready: Cultivate a sleep-ready state of mind
Maintain a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at consistent times.
Avoid using your phone, reading books, or watching TV in bed during weekdays.
Keep a relaxed and pleasant mood before bed.
If you have worries or thoughts that hinder falling asleep, write them down and deal with them after waking up.

So, friends of JC Fit City, let's rethink our sleep and give ourselves the gift of rest. With these tips, we hope you could walk a spring in your step. Good night and sweet dreams!