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Activity details
Other Activities
Run With Your Heart - Active Mind Workshop , Topic : Motivating children in school, sport, and life (1445-1530)
Enrolment period:
24 Apr 2024 (Wed) 04:00 PM - 12 May 2024 (Sun) 11:59 PM
Activity date:
19 May 2024 (Sun) - 19 May 2024 (Sun)
  • 19 May 2024 (Sun) 02:45 PM - 03:30 PM
31+ Participants
Both female and male
11 to 75 years old
Yau Tsim Mong District
Organised by Elite Athlete Charitable Trust
Contact person 1:Keith Cheng
Mobile number:37057801
About the class

Active Mind workshop would like to apply sport psychology training to improve the mental qualities and mental skills of students, and also to educate teachers, parents, and coaches/ sport instructors etc. regarding the style of teaching and psychosocial environments that are optimal for the psychological well-being of students in Hong Kong.

Topic : Motivating children in school, sport, and life

Location : Secret Garden, West Kowloon Cultural District

Lecturer: Karen Lo (Hong Kong’s renowned expert on Sport and Performance Psychology and Former Hong Kong team swimmer)